Saturday 15 November 2014


our galaxy is filled with beautiful clouds of glowing gas and dust called nebula. they are stuff stars made of and the place some stars scatter their remains and die

Thursday 13 November 2014


comets are among the most attractive  objects in the solar system. these small lumps of ice and rock, only a few miles across, would be all but invisible from earth were it not for brilliant tails, which can stretch for tens of millions of miles across space

pluto and beyond

origin of name:
Pluto,Greek god of underworld.
relative size:                                                              
smallest, not a planet
The Kuiper belt is the home to Pluto and other dwarf planets ,located after Neptune orbit. 

Pluto is a large object in the Kuiper belt and the second-most-massive known dwarf planet, after Eris(also a dwarf planet). Like other Kuiper belt objects, Pluto is primarily made of rock and ice and relatively small