Sunday 21 April 2013


Origin of name:
Jove, the Roman God of Heaven and Earth.
Moons :
Length of year:
11.9 Earth Years
Position from Sun:
Relative Size:

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. It is a huge, round mass made mostly from gases. There is a huge storm on Jupiter that has been raging for thousands of year.
The stripes are bands of different gases. It has over 60 moons moving around it. All the moons are made of rock and ice.

Thebe is not round like most moons. Its surface is covered in huge craters.
The rocky surface of Europa is completely covered in a layer of ice.
Ganymede is the biggest moon in the solar system. It is bigger than mercury.

Asteroid Belt

Beyond the orbit of mars is the domain of the asteroids-millions of them encircling the sun  in a do-nut -shaped region called  Asteroid Belt. Most are tiny; some are small worlds in their own right.


Origin of name:
Mars, the Roman God of war.
Moons :
Length of year:
687 Earth days
Position from Sun:
Relative Size:
2nd  smallest

Mars is a cold and rocky planet. Its surface is covered in red dust. Photos taken by Mars Global Surveyor convince the Astronomers that Mars once had liquid water on its surface.

 Martian Moons:
Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. Unlike our moon they are relatively smaller and irregular in shape


Origin of name:
Earthe, the Anglo-Saxon word used for “Land”
Moons :
Length of year:
365/ 366 days
Position from Sun:
Relative Size:
4th smallest

Earth is the only planet where life is known to exist. The Earth has the right mixture of air, heat and water for things to live.

It is a big, round lump of rock that moves around the Earth.

Origin of name:


Time to Orbit Earth:

27.3 Earth Days


Origin of name:
“Venus” the roman god of love
Moons :
Length of year:
225 earth days
Position from Sun:
 Relative Size:

3rd smallest

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar The thick layer of clouds stop the heat from escaping so it gets hotter and hotter.


Origin of Name:
 “Mercurius”, Messenger of the Roman Gods.

No moons.

Length of the Year:
88 Earth days.

Position  from the sun:

Relative size:

Mercury is rocky surface is covered in holes called craters. Most of these were made by rocks crashing into the planet from space. Its surface is more than 4 times hotter than boiling water.

Saturday 20 April 2013

The Sun

Origin of Name : 
"SOL", The Latin word for "SUN".

Surface Temperature:
9,900 ̊ F (5,500 ̊ C)

Core Temperature: 
28,000,000 ̊ F (55,500,000 ̊ C)

The  Sun:
Sun is a massive ball of burning gas called a Star. It gives the planets all their light and heat. Jets of hot gas shoot out and fall back in long loops. Huge explosions are known as Solar Flares.However there are some parts that are not as hot as the rest, these are called Sunspots.

Solar System

The Solar System consists of the Sun and its planetary system of eight planets, their moons, and other non-stellar objects.It formed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud. All planets move around the Sun in orbits.

The vast majority of the system's mass is in the Sun. Click on Sun for details.

The eight Planets are divided as Terrestrial Planets viz.,Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars  and Gas Giants viz., Jupiter , Saturn,Uranus and Neptune.Click on the Planet to know more information.


The Universe is defined as the totality of existence,including planets, stars, galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all matter and energy.

To us Earth seems huge. it takes many hours to cross one side of the planet to the other in a plane. But beyond our Earth there are distances that are so vast that, while they can be described,they perhaps cannot really be fully appreciated